I never imagined that people would support me Ameritas Dental complete strangers people I don't know and if you are sitting at home thinking I could never do this I don't have the courage to do this you do if I can do it anybody can do it.
So make that call do your research there's a lot of fun it's a journey that you will never ever you're both there but you are Center and dr. Dixon aside Ameritas Dental okay well that's as good as we're gonna get unless we there that's better yeah we're not cooking now okay everybody if you are tuning in with us we are here on our live facebook discussion.
With dr. Bob Dixon I'm so happy to be here talking to him today if you don't know we are here because Calgary is presently considering putting fluoride back in our water and this is something that's very important for all Calgarians to understand and really know all the details about so.
I wanted to do an interview with dr. Bob today so that Ameritas Dental we can tell you all the information you can gather information so that you know if you think this is a good choice for your family in your health and your pocketbook and all of those things.
So we're going to dive deep into the world of water and Ameritas Dental fluoride with dr. Bob today and if you have questions please make sure that you post them in the comment section and we will make sure that we get to those questions and get them answered if we don't have time to do it live we will certainly make sure we scroll back through and answer your questions.